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We’re not going to go through and define all of the letters in LGBTQA+ (although LGBTQ Life has a useful glossary), but we want to spend some time talking about asexuality. The broad definition of asexuality is someone who is asexual experiences little to no sexual attraction. However, this can look different for different people.


People who are asexual can often still experience other types of attraction including romantic, emotional, or physical (wanting to touch or cuddle someone). Sexual attraction also exists as a spectrum; some people only experience sexuality under specific circumstances.


For example, demisexuality is only feeling sexual attraction to people with whom one has a deep connection. Anyone who experiences sexual attraction fairly often is called allosexual. Someone who doesn’t experience romantic attraction is called aromantic. Aromantic people can be allosexual or asexual. All of these identities are completely normal and are not connected to medical conditions or relationship status.


There are plenty of reasons why an asexual person may have sex, and plenty of reasons why they may choose to not. Some asexual people may feel no sex drive, while others desire and enjoy sex. They just don’t experience sexual attraction. Hopefully, this site will be useful for any asexual people choosing to have sex.

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If you are interested in learning more about asexuality and related sexualities/orientations this article provides a basic guide to asexuality, GLAAD has an explanation of a-spectrum identities, and The Asexual Visibility & Education Network has forums for discussing and asking questions about asexuality. (Note: the image on the bottom right is the asexual flag, and the source for the left image can be found here)

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